Should Qasim Ibrahim Be The Next President Of Maldives?


Below is a post on the Dhivehi Observer which outlines a potential new government for the Maldives. Although some of the people are not known to the vast majority, it is interesting to see that this actually is a formulae that will work for Maldives. It includes people from all walks of life and families. In today’s modern world it is important to have the right balance between people with experience and intellectual capacity. Academics have proven to be good public administrators around the world in almost all developed countries.

We commend this proposal – Dream Team – as it just goes to show that with the right mix, Maldives can become a model of democracy and prosperity. All that remains is for Gayyoom to make way and allow fair and free elections to take place so people can vote without fear and intimidation.

Maldives can then embark on a new future that will create a society in which power, wealth and opportunity will be the right of the many not the few, that will free the Maldives from tyranny of poverty, ignorance and fear resulting in a society that live in a spirit of solidarity, tolerance and respect.

Maldives is now in a situation where people are disillusioned and lost. So many leaders and public figures have let them down immensely. The country is in need of a strong public figure who has a proven track record as a people’s person. There is no doubt that there will be not be a single person in the country who has not heard of Mr. Qasim (popularly known as Burumaa Qasim) not for his business activities but more for his philanthropic work. Thousands of Maldivians have benefited from his welfare system and charities and hundreds of Maldivians are being sent abroad by Mr. Qasim for education under the Villa Scholarship Scheme. There is no doubt that a great majority of Maldivians see Mr. Qasim as someone they can rally behind, most importantly as someone who genuinely cares about them.

Click here for a profile of Qasim Ibrahim, who is the Chairman and Managing Director of Villa Group and Founder of Villa Foundation, Maldives.

‘Dream Team’ Posted on the Open Forum

President – Qasim Ibrahim
Great public figure, people look up to him, philanthropist and a successful business man
Vice President – Dr. Mohamed Munawwaru
Expert in Law. Graduate from Canada, Experience in government
Speaker of the Majlis – Mohamed Nasheed (Anni)
Educated in UK, B Sc in Maritime Law, formidable administrator and a strong believer in democracy
Chief Justice – Shaheen Hameed
Educated in UK and a respected lawyer
Minister of Islamic Affairs – Sheikh Fareedh
An Islamic Scholar, graduate from Qatar, respected by the people
Minister of Foreign Affairs – Dr. Farahnaz Faisal
Holds a PhD in International Politics, highly qualified and must be given an opportunty to serve the Maldives
Minister of Planning and Development – Ali Hussain Di Di
Educated in UK and experience in government Human Resources Management
Ministry of Education – Dr. Muhsin
Holds a PhD in Science, great academic administrator
Ministry of Health – Dr. Ahmed Riza
Holds a PhD in Chemistry, management and teaching experience in UK for 10 years
Ministry of Home Affairs – Dr. Hassan Hameed
Holds a PhD in Critical Thinking – great administrator
Ministry of Defence and National Security – Dr. Mohamed Waheed
Holds a PhD – a well trusted public figure
Ministry of Fisheries – Dr. Hussain Rasheed
Holds a PhD in the field – experience in government
Ministry of Agriculture – Dr. Fathin Hameed
Holds a PhD in the field – experience in government
Ministry of Trade – Abdul Majid (Le Cute)
One of the most successful businessmen in the country known for his ability and vision
Ministry of Finance – Ahmed Riyaz (Thukko)
Reading for PhD in Economics worked in MMA
Ministry of Tourism – Dr. Mohamed Ali (Koli)
PhD from UK and experience in the tourism field
Ministry of Information – Dr. Shaugee
PhD and experience in government
Ministry of Transport – Ahmed Shafeeq (Sappe’)
M Phil and B Eng. educated in UK in Engineering and Science
Ministry of Womens Affairs – Aamaal Ali
Educated in UK a well respected figure amongst the youth and committed to development
Ministry of Atolls Administration – Dr. Shaheed
Holds a PhD in Politics and experience in government
Ministry of Communication – Dr. Hassan Shafeeu
PhD in the field with experience
Ministry of Employment & Labour – Dr. Asim
PhD in the field with experience / works in Presidents Office
Attorney General – Muthasim Adnan
Graduate from UK and well known lawyer
Human Rights Commissioner – Mohamed Zaki (NazakI)
Educated and respected public figure
Ambassador to United Nations – Ahmed Mujthaba Hussain
Educated and respected public figure
Ambassador to E U – Ismail Saadiq
Can deveop links to Maldives in EU and explore the markets there
Ambassador to UK – Dr. Hassan Ugail
Ph D from UK in Mathematics
Ambassador to Sri Lanka and India – Mohamed Latheef (gogo)
Former MP and an advocate of good governance
Ambassador to Japan – Mohamed Shareef (Mundhu)
Hold Masters in Politics and works in Presidents Office
Ambassador to Australia – Solah Shihab
Experience in Foreign Affair former deputy Minister
Other suggestions and Idea for a future government:
Independent Regulators for Electricity / Water / Telecommunication / Labour and Employment
Atoll Chiefs must be elected population of the Atoll
Katheeb and Kuda Katheeb must be elected by the Island population
Judiciary / Justice System must be completely Independent of the Executive and the Legislature
Supreme Court 7 Supreme Court Judges to be elected by people for an initial 5 years and then re-elected for life in a public referendum