Developing Education Master Plan (2006 – 2015)

Developing Education Master Plan

Based on a model of sustainable quality educational system

1. Background

The current Education Master Plan (1996 – 2005) spanning a period of 10 years is coming to an end as of 2005. It is for the education sector to review its progress to date and lay a new roadmap for the decade to come. The rapid development in the education arena coupled with developments in other frontiers posses new challenges.

The last two decades has seen a rapid expansion in formal education in the Maldives, especially at the primary level. The target of universal primary education was achieved in the year 2000, i.e., every child in the Maldives has access to a place in a primary school. The population boom of the eighties and early nineties has created a strong demand for and a speedy expansion of the secondary school sector. Currently there are 106,220 students[1] in the schools. This is approximately 40% of the total population of Maldives. The process of expansion at the primary and secondary school levels has raised many questions including those of quality, sustainability and equity of the school system. Rapid expansion has also placed tremendous demand on all services including human resource development, teacher education, curriculum and materials development, etc.

Within this context, the educational system is currently in urgent need of consolidating what has already been achieved, and mapping a path to a sustainable and quality educational system. This consolidation process and planning for quality and sustainability have to address issues such as improving quality in par with increase in access and quantity, financial sustainability of the school system, increasing private sector participation in educational provision, the goals set out in Vision 2020[2] for the formal school system, achieving a unified medium of instruction in all areas of Maldives and at all levels of schooling, and the role of the government in the educational provision at school level.

2. Objective

To develop Education Master Plan (2006 – 2015) based on a model of sustainable quality education system in line with the National Development Plans and Vision 2020 for Maldives.

3. Methodology

The new Master Plan shall address the critical issues of consolidation amid the need for quality, sustainability of the educational system. In so far to achieve this purpose, a two phased initiative is proposed.

First phase will consist of a sectoral review. The purpose of this review is to indentify the key issues, problems, difficulties, achievements of the current educational system, especially at the school level.

Second phase is the development of the new Education Master Plan for 2006 to 2015. The process of developing the Master Plan will provide the vision, mission, goals and strategies for the education system.

Services of one or two international education planning specialists will be employed through consultancy arrangements in every stage. The consultant(s) will be responsible for carrying out the following activities. Ministry of Education will assign local counterparts to work with the international consultant(s) in carrying out the activities.

4. Activities

Phase 1:

Activity1: Sector Review

Activity one involves conducting a sector review based on review of current Master Plan and other relevant literature, and in consultation with key stakeholders from the education sector as well as other Ministries and government and non government agencies and the community. This activity will identify the strengths and weaknesses based on stakeholder inputs and expectations. This process will also involve visits to a number of schools and island communities.

Expected Outcome:

A sector review document assessing the performance of the education system delivering its mandate vis-�-vis stakeholder expectations, objectives set forth in the current Mast Plan. The review will also highlight the future challenges including financial and equality issues.

Phase 2:

Activity 2: Developing Education Master Plan (2006 – 2015)

Based on the review in Activity 1 above, and through a symposium of the key officials of the education sector, lead the activity of developing the Education Master Plan (2006 – 2015). The Master Plan will consist of a set of documents similar to the current Education Master Plan.

The document will set a mission and a set of goals, objectives and strategies, activities and milestones in light of the present achievements and future challenges. It must recommend a set of programs and activities, including budget estimates and timelines for achieving the goals and objectives.

Expected Outcomes:

(i) Education Master Plan (2006 – 2015) document with goals, objectives, outputs, activities, performance indicators. It will also contain a description of the methodology used, a situation analysis of the sector, rationale behind goals, objectives and activities set forth, and a description of the challenges and risk involved in achieving the targets.

(ii) a national symposium for presenting and adopting the Education Master Plan (2006 – 2015)

5. Timeline

The two activities are expected to take a total of 6 months. The sector review is expected to take a period 2 months from September to October 2004. The activity of developing the Master Plan is expected to take a period of 4 months from January to April 2005.

6. Cost estimates and Financing

The total budget for the activity is estimated at US$ 350,000 to US$400,000. This project is proposed to be financed through ADB program of activities 2004 � 2006 for Maldives.

7. Government Support

The Educational Planning, Statistics and technology Services Section of the Ministry of Education will provide office space and logistical support during the project activities.